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Validity : 08th Mar'25 to 18th Mar'25
It's a lot more than just "sexting." or visiting inappropriate websites! Do you have a social media policy? Are employees aware of it and have they been trained in its proper application? Is your social media policy aligned with all your other policies and/or collective bargaining agreement(s), the National Labor Relations Act (Section 7 Rights) and/or your state and local labor and employment laws, and the Federal Trade Commission's regulations? Does your social media policy protect individual rights regarding confidentiality and the First Amendment right to Freedom of Speech? If you recruit using social media, are you in compliance with the Fair Credit and Reporting Act? Does it protect copyrights, trademarks, intellectual property, and trade secrets? Are your "take down" protocols adequate? Who owns an employee's work related social media account(s) and what happens when they exit the organization? If you don’t know the answers to at least these fundamental questions then this webinar is for you so you can protect your organization, its employees, and all stakeholders.
Do your social media or other policies require employees to; be respectful; not release confidential information; not engage in threats; communicate professionally; and/or be fair and courteous? Although these certainly look innocent enough, and regardless of whether you do or don’t have a social media policy these probably exist in some fashion within your expectations for employees. However, the problem is that all 5 of these would likely regardless of if there is a Union or not, based on National Labor Relations Board guidance for Social Media policies, be ruled as Unfair Labor Practices (ULPs). Additionally, when you consider that all it takes is just 1 similar misstep with your social media policy to also violate the Fair Credit Reporting Act, Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regulations, State Attorney General’s Office or local ordinances and several privacy laws it makes attending this webinar mandatory for future compliance of your workplace.
Bob Oberstein has over 51 years of Labor/Employee Relations experience on all sides of the labor-management table including as a neutral (arbitrator, mediator) in both the public and private sectors. He has served as a Commissioner, Maricopa County's Judicial Merit System Review Commission; Member, City of Phoenix Fire and Police Pension Boards; and Member/Chairman, City of Phoenix Civil Service Board. He is also the recipient of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) Director's Certificate of Recognition for Achievement in Promoting Positive Labor-Management Relations. Bob has served as Director, of the Labor Management Relations Program at Ottawa University, Phoenix (OU), Arizona where he taught conflict resolution, grievance processing, arbitration, and negotiation among other courses. He also served OU as Ombudsman for all student, faculty, and support disputes as well as the Disabled Student Liaison and received recognition in "Who's Who Among America's Teachers.