Strategic Leadership: Systems thinking for modern business success

  • 10
  • October 2024
  • 10:00 AM PDT | 01:00 PM EDT

    Duration:  60  Mins


Basic & Intermediate

Webinar ID


  • Systems Thinking and Interconnectedness : Gain a deep understanding of systems thinking and how interconnected systems operate in complex environments. Explore how to anticipate unintended consequences and make informed decisions by analyzing interrelationships within and across systems.
  • Temporal Strategy Framework : Learn a strategic approach to categorizing challenges based on temporal factors—long term, medium term, short term, and immediate (crisis). Understand how to tailor leadership responses accordingly, whether focusing on crisis management, change management, or maintaining business as usual.
  • Building Resilient Leadership : Develop strategies to harness interconnectedness for resilience and adaptability in leadership. Discover how to maximize opportunities and minimize disruptions by leveraging relationships and dependencies within systems. Enhance your strategic acumen to effectively lead in dynamic and interconnected environments, driving organizational success.

Overview of the webinar

Attend a Strategic Leadership talk to delve deep into the principles of systems thinking, which are indispensable for navigating today's intricate business landscapes. Gain a comprehensive understanding of how interconnected systems operate, allowing you to anticipate ripple effects and make well-informed decisions. By understanding these dynamics, this will help develop the foresight to identify and mitigate risks early on, enabling proactive strategies that drive organizational success.

This session will provide you with a strategic lens that considers challenges not only in terms of systems but also across temporal dimensions—long-term, medium-term, short-term, and immediate (crisis). This enables you to assess situations dynamically, determining whether crisis leadership, change management, or business as usual strategies are most appropriate. This nuanced approach ensures that you're prepared to lead effectively in any scenario, fostering stability and growth amidst uncertainty.

Furthermore, discover how to leverage interconnectedness to your advantage, fostering a leadership style that is both resilient and adaptive. Learn practical techniques to optimize opportunities while minimizing disruptions, enhancing organizational agility. Join us to enhance your strategic acumen and gain the confidence to navigate dynamic, interconnected systems with clarity and foresight.

Who should attend?

  • Human Resources Professionals
  • Health and Safety Reps
  • Union Reps
  • Directors
  • Supervisors
  • Managers
  • Team Leaders
  • Executive Directors
  • Business Owners
  • Entrepreneurs

Why should you attend?

This talk provides insights into systems thinking, crucial for navigating complex environments. Have a practical conceptual framework for understanding how systems interrelate, helping you to foresee unintended consequences and make informed decisions. By grasping these dynamics, you can anticipate and mitigate risks, fostering proactive strategies that drive organizational success. Learn to harness interconnectedness to your advantage, shaping a resilient and adaptive leadership approach that maximizes opportunities and minimizes disruptions. Join us to enhance your strategic acumen and lead effectively in dynamic, interconnected systems.

Faculty - Mr.Claudio Chiste

Claudio is the CEO of the Centre for Leadership & Coaching. He has served as the Chairman of Coaches & Mentors of South Africa (Comensa) for the Western Cape, the Comensa Social & Ethics Committee and as President of the Cape Chapter of the Professional Speakers Association of Southern Africa (PSASA). He is a certified Master NLP Practitioner and Master Life Coach.

Claudio’s intrinsic values have influenced his belief in making a difference for the common good, by helping others to adopt a mindset of resilience, and engendering a culture which embraces leadership, regardless of seniority. Claudio is a firm believer that nothing is instant, only instant coffee, results take time. The important thing is to progress, creating non-intimidating micro-goals on a daily basis.

His varied background allows him to have a multi-angled approach, with a background as a leader whilst a combat officer in the South African Navy, and as a specialist banker in London with Investec Bank, during which time he was in charge of an international award-wining business association focused on promoting both business and the next generation, called Shipping Professional Network London (SPNL) serving as chairman for 8 years.


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