Understanding the Math of HR So You Can Show How HR Impacts the Bottom-Line and Get a Raise!

  • 21
  • August 2024
  • 10:00 AM PDT | 01:00 PM EDT

    Duration:  60  Mins


Basic & Advanced

Webinar ID


Strategic HR executives know their math, use it to make sound decisions, and show the value they add. Don will share with you a method you can use to educate your executive and management teams on the value of great HR.

  • How CEOs think about HR
  • The opportunity to understand the math of HR
  • The costs of hiring, performance, and retention practices- the Big 3
  • Defining the benefit in benefits
  • Work comp and EPL exposures
  • The revenue equivalency of HR costs
  • The activity equivalency of HR costs
  • Marketing the math and getting a raise!

Overview of the webinar

Few people get into HR because they can’t wait to be great at math! Not understanding the math of HR can be a weak spot limiting HR’s ability to be a strategic partner. 

In this Webinar, Don Phin is going to teach the Math of HR in a way that will help you bring more value to your company and get paid for it! He will share with you a method you can use to educate your executive and management teams on the value of great HR. 

Let’s be honest - math is not HR’s thing. We are "people," not accountants. The problem is that a lack of understanding of this math stymies our growth. It limits the conversations we can have and the impact we can make. 

Who should attend?

  • HR
  • Recruiting
  • Managers
  • Leaders

Why should you attend?

In order to be a strategic partner, HR has to know the math behind hiring, retention, engagement, and more. Knowing the math helps to better define HR’s value and offers the promise of a raise!

Faculty - Mr.Don Phin

Don Phin is a California employment law attorney. He has consulted with hundreds of companies to help improve their employment practices. He has presented over 600 times to CEOs, HR, and other executives on what works in employee relations. Don’s latest book is The 40| |40 Solution: Mastering the Emotional Energy of Leadership and Sales.

Don built HRThatWorks, used by 3,500 companies and sold to ThinkHR in 2014. In addition to consulting and speaking, Don does executive coaching and workplace investigations.

Originally a kid from the Bronx (you may still hear the accent), todayDon lives in sunny Coronado, California.

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