BLUF Writing in the Workplace: Bottom Line Up Front for Better Communication

  • 22
  • May 2024
  • 10:00 AM PDT | 01:00 PM EDT

    Duration:  60  Mins



Webinar ID


During this interactive writing session for anyone who oversees formal documentation, project reports, and countless daily emails, we will feature a breakdown of the writing process into its three main phases: prewriting, writing, and rewriting. Audience favorites include:

  • How to apply the Plain Language Initiative to workplace writing and why this is important and necessary
  • The importance of a complete email subject line and how to write one consistently every time
  • FAVORITE TOPIC: The five new guidelines for using bulleted lists in documentation to enhance readability
  • How to determine your message’s destination point first
  • How to write a good lead sentence
  • A technique for structuring content logically to draw the reader down the screen or page

Participants will compare before-and-after examples demonstrating the BLUF technique.

Overview of the webinar

BLUF is a military writing approach easily adaptable to the workplace. It represents Bottom Line Up Front and uses the principle of front loading to logically organize information for consumption in our fast-paced society. Writers communicate the most important point—the bottom line—quickly, efficiently, and professionally. We all can use BLUF for:

  • Improved Technical Writing
  • Better Emails
  • Enhanced Internal Communication
  • More Confidence as Writers

Who should attend?

  • Human Resources Professionals
  • Communication Consultants
  • Instructors
  • Trainers
  • Educators
  • Learning and Development Specialists
  • Technical Professionals
  • Sales Professionals
  • Marketing Professionals

Why should you attend?

You are being ignored—and nobody likes being ignored. But, no one is reading your emails. No one is thoroughly reading what you’ve taken the time to put in writing.

It’s true. You’re drafting technical memos, and no one is really reading them. You’re emailing important updates and attaching detailed reports, but it quickly becomes evident no one has read the email or even opened the attachment. They received it, but they didn’t read it.

That’s a problem—and a huge time waster.

Join us in this interactive BLUF webinar to learn how to:

  • Improve Reader Engagement
  • Decrease Reading Time
  • Enhance Comprehension
  • Support Readers who only Skim the Message

Faculty - Ms.Mandi Stanley

With more than 29 year's experience on the seminar circuit, Certified Speaking Professional Mandi Stanley works primarily with business leaders who want to boost their professional image and with people who want to be better speakers and writers. She has traveled throughout North America entertaining and educating more than 45,000 seminar participants, totaling more than 5,000 platform hours.
In 2003, Mandi was designated a CSP, Certified Speaking Professional. Fewer than 9 percent of all worldwide speakers have earned this designation, and Mandi is the first Mississippian in history to receive this honor through the National Speakers Association.
She’s a summa cum laude graduate with concentrations in English, communication, and management, and served as a faculty member of AMAI, where she wrote and developed their one-day seminar How To Be a Better Proofreader. Mandi is the award-winning author of The No-Panic Plan for Presenters, which was named a Finalist in the Career category at the Independent Book Publishers Awards in New York.

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