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Validity : 08th Mar'25 to 18th Mar'25
The Internet is jam-packed with unwitting but highly visible HIPAA violations committed by Covered Entities on their social media pages like Facebook, their organization’s web site, patient testimonials they post and their responses to patient reviews – whether the review is positive or negative.
These violations are dangerous and unnecessary because the HIPAA Rules provide simple, easy to apply safeguards to protect Covered Entities. Federal enforcement actions confirm the importance of following the HIPAA Rules for social media, web sites and patient reviews.
This webinar will explain the HIPAA Rules and safeguards for social media, web sites, testimonials and reviews posted by patients. It will explain how to do what you want to do – engage patients and attract new patients on the Internet – and comply with HIPAA. You’ll see the HIPAA Rules are easy to follow, step-by-step – when you know the steps.
Paul R. Hales, J.D. is widely recognized for his ability to explain the HIPAA Rules clearly in plain language. Paul is an attorney licensed to practice before the Supreme Court of the United States and a graduate of Columbia University Law School with an international practice in HIPAA privacy and security. He is the author of all content in The HIPAA E-Tool®, an Internet-based, complete HIPAA compliance solution with separate editions for Covered Entities, Business Associates, Health Plans and Third Party Administrators.