HIPAA Updates for the Exceptions for Law Enforcement Purposes

On-Demand Schedule

Fri, December 20, 2024 - Fri, December 27, 2024


60  Mins



Webinar ID


  • The basics of HIPAA privacy
  • The basics of HIPAA privacy exceptions with patient consent
  • Exceptions to HIPAA privacy for law enforcement purposes for civil matters
  • Exceptions to HIPAA privacy for law enforcement purposes for criminal matters
  • How exceptions to HIPAA privacy are applied by law enforcement agencies, with an emphasis on state licensure boards and agencies
  • How you may comply to a request for Protected Health Information when the patient is in trouble and law enforcement is involved
  • How you may comply to a request for Protected Health Information when you are in trouble
  • Case law from the courts regarding HIPAA privacy exceptions for law enforcement purposes

Overview of the webinar

This webinar answers the basic questions: What power does the state have to use a HIPAA exception to confidentiality? How does one comply with a request? What records are obtained that apply to a civil or to a criminal investigation? What pitfalls are there to noncompliance? 
This webinar goes over the many law enforcement exceptions where health care practitioners are faced with demands for a law enforcement or public purpose that overrides the strict confidentiality of HIPAA and a patient’s expected right to privacy.
Both criminal and civil public purposes for law enforcement exceptions exist that may burden the health care practitioner with requests that must be complied with.
Take a deeper look into how state licensure agencies go about their unique government investigations and obtain protected health information to further their own state-mandated, investigative purposes.

Who should attend?

  • Health Care Attorneys
  • Corporate Compliance Officers in health care
  • Medical Records Staff of medical offices and health care entities
  • Hospital Attorneys
  • Health Care Practitioners who are covered entities
  • Law Enforcement Officers in health care compliance
  • State Boards and Agencies with jurisdiction over state licenses to practice a health care profession

Why should you attend?

While the basic provisions of privacy for protected health information are well known, exceptions abound for the various law enforcement purposes as applied to both the federal and state government and its law enforcement activities.  
This can include criminal and civil investigations. Erase the uncertainty and doubt that exists when the health care practitioner is confronted with a police demand for information.  
What can you release? To whom? Do you have to notify the patient? Should you notify the patient? What must you document as a permitted disclosure when the police come calling? Find out in this informative webinar that arms you with a fuller knowledge of the HIPAA privacy exceptions for law enforcement purposes.


Faculty - Mr.Mark Brengelman

Mark worked as the assigned counsel to numerous health professions licensure boards as an Assistant Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Moving to private practice, he now helps private clients in a wide variety of contexts who are professionally licensed.

Mark became interested in the law when he graduated with both Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Philosophy from Emory University in Atlanta.  He then earned a Juris Doctorate from the University of Kentucky College of Law.  In 1995, Mark became an Assistant Attorney General and focused in the area of administrative and professional law where he represented multiple boards as General Counsel and Prosecuting Attorney.

Mark is a frequent participant in continuing education and has been a presenter for over thirty national and state organizations and private companies, including webinars and in-person seminars.  National and state organizations include the Kentucky Bar Association, the Kentucky Office of the Attorney General, and the National Attorneys General Training and Research Institute.



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