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Validity : 26th Mar'25 to 05th Apr'25
Error resolution can be tricky! When you’re dealing with unauthorized transactions, there are certain processes to go through. Whether you’re returning within the timeframes of the Nacha Operating Rules, or outside that timeframe , following Regulation E, you need to know what to do and how, this session will do just that! Discussion will include what, why and when while processing unauthorized returns. The trainer will define the limits of liability and who is liable for what amount while providing some real-life scenarios. Details on the error resolution process with Reg E for consumer notification to the financial institution, research time involved, and the timing of providing provisional credit; included will be guidelines on the “what if” there is no error, and providing notice to consumer, and any overdraft protection relating to that provisional credit being reversed. Included will be outlining the ACH return process, when using the ACH network is appropriate, and paperwork/forms needed.
As a financial institution, you have responsibilities and liabilities under Regulation E and the Nacha Operating Rules for your consumer accounts when there are unauthorized transactions.
Regulation E contains an error resolution process for electronic payments posting to consumer’s accounts. Returning Unauthorized ACH transactions and the logistics when doing so will be covered, including the details on Return Reason Code R10 vs. R11.
This session is an opportunity for attendees to watch and hear the trainer, using real-life scenarios, apply the basics of Regulation E and the error resolution timeframes while comparing ACH processes when returning unauthorized transactions. During this demonstration, adherence to the Nacha Operating Rules. will be demonstrated as the trainer walks atten and/or Reg E will be discussed.