This webinar will cover the tax compliance for employee business expense reimbursements under both accountable and non-accountable employee business expense plans. This includes a discussion which expenses qualify as employee business expenses including travel, entertainment, transportation and facilities required for the employee to perform the job duties.
The session will cover the requirements for an accountable reimbursement plan including documentation and record keeping requirements, timely reporting and return of excess reimbursements, per diem arrangements in lieu of actual substantiation, reimbursements that must be included in wages and how to establish and administer an accountable expense reimbursement plan.
In addition to the general substantiation rules, the specific substantiation requirements for travel, entertainment, meals and listed property will be covered as well as the rules regarding personal use of company property such as vehicles or other facilities.
The discussion of per diem arrangements will cover when and which expenses may be covered by per diem arrangements, how to set qualifying per diem rates using the federal maximum rates, how to use the high-low method and how to handle company rates that exceed the federal rates.
The session will also discuss treatment of expense allowances and reimbursements or use of company facilities under a non-accountable plan or those treated as under a non-accountable plan including inclusion in wages, tax withholding and W-2 reporting requirements.
The importance of control and accounting procedures related to expense reimbursements will be discussed including employer responsibility for compliance and the potential for liability for un-withheld tax and penalties for non-compliance.