IFRS (IAS 34) Interim Financial Reporting


60  Mins


Basic & Intermediate

Webinar ID


-What are the minimum components of an interim financial report?
-What is the form of these components?
-Determining for which periods interim financial statements are required to be presented
-Dealing with significant events and transactions during the interim period
-Interim period recognition and measurement issues
-Use of estimates
-Restatement of previously reported interim periods
-Applying materiality to interim financial statements 
-Disclosure of compliance with IFRSs
-Disclosure in annual financial statements
-Other disclosure requirements

Overview of the webinar

Timely and reliable interim financial reporting improves the ability of investors, creditors, and others to understand an entity’s capacity to generate earnings and cash flows and its financial condition and liquidity.

Who should attend?

  • Accounting professionals
  • Board members
  • External and internal auditors
  • Compliance professionals
  • Finance professionals

Why should you attend?

IFRS has many rules for preparing financial statements between yearly reports.
This webinar will walk you through the minimum content of an interim financial report, including disclosures and the accounting recognition and measurement principles that must be applied in an interim financial report.

Faculty - Mr.Mike Morley

A Certified Public Accountant, business author Mike Morley is an entertaining and informative speaker and a recognized authority in the field of finance.
Mike offers various training programs, such as IFRS, SOX, and Financial Statement Analysis that focus on providing continuing education opportunities for finance and accounting professionals.
Many Fortune 500 companies take advantage of his training programs to bring their staff up to speed so that everyone understands what their responsibilities are. 
Mike is the author of several books, including: 
“IFRS Simplified”, which provides a jump start for accountants and finance executives who want to quickly and easily get up to date on IFRS.
“Sarbanes-Oxley Simplified,” which is an easy-to-read explanation of the requirements of the U.S. legislation that makes CEO's & CFO's personally responsible for the accuracy of their company's financial statements.
“Financial Statement Analysis Simplified” which translates the accounting language of financial statements into clear, easy-to-understand terms that anyone who needs to make well-informed financial decisions quickly will appreciate.


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