Ms.Anne Sadovsky

Area Of Expertise : Fair Housing, Keynotes, Motivation, Webinars - People Skills Specialist
40 Years Of Experience
Training Industry : Multi Industry

Anne Sadovsky has been in the apartment industry five decades and is a former V P of Marketing and Education for Lincoln Property Company. Her credentials include NAAEI Advanced Facilitator, CAM, and CAPS.  She is a contributing writer for many publications, has earned a Texas Real Estate license and Certified Speaking credentials from the National Speakers Association.  She was named one of the top trainers in the industry by Multi-Housing News and both Multifamily Pro Brainstorming Conference and the Apartment Association of Greater Dallas have honored Anne with Legends Awards. 

Anne has chaired and served on many education committees for major conferences. She has coauthored several books and has flown over 8 million miles sharing her knowledge and wit, and her success story has been featured in many national magazines including Money, Texas Business and Ladies Home Journal.  Anne is multifaceted, offers many topics, shares skills and tools that are life changing, common sense, high energy, fun but no nonsense. 

She lives in Dallas with her husband Randy, a funny Chiweinie and two very talkative parrots.

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Live Webinar

Pot, Pit Bulls, Parking and Perps: 2024 Fair Housing Pitfalls

Ignorance of Fair Housing Laws is no excuse!  Staying on top of the latest cases, rulings and directives are critical; not doing so can create an expensive lesson.  Fair Housing classes don’t have to be dull and fact, you might be excited to hear w ...

  • Basic & Intermediate
  • 75 Mins
  • Sep 18, 2024